The use of ultrasound has advanced significantly in veterinary medicine. No longer are veterinarians limited to second hand ultrasound units that were retired from human medicine. Today’s veterinary ultrasounds are built to modern human standards, but designed specifically for animals and provide picture like images of the smallest organs such as the thyroid gland. We have invested in GE’s high-end Logiq P5 Ultrasound, capable of scanning a mouse to a Great Dane with perfect clarity. GE’s TruScan Architecture is their exclusive, soft-ware intensive veterinary ultrasound imaging platform which gives the sonographer unsurpassed computational power, image manipulation capability, workflow flexibility and product upgradeability. Our ultrasound packs significant enhancements that provide the highest quality diagnostic ability so that we can provide your pet the best of care.
Our GE Logiq P5 Ultrasound is packed with advanced capabilities:
- Speckle Reduction Imaging (SRI) maintains true tissue architecture
- CrossXBeam™ imaging enhances tissue and border definition
- 3D imaging clearly reveals real-time, multi-dimensional details
- Auto Optimization (AO) improves contrast resolution
- Auto TGC provides image uniformity with the touch of a button
- Phase Inversion Harmonics increases spatial resolution and deeper penetration
- TruScan Architecture – unsurpassed computation power and image capabilityta processing that achieves excellent imaging quality and management capability
- SmartScan – advanced algorithms improve image acquisition and exam consistency
- ComfortScan – ergonomic design to maximize productivity